NRCDV's Safe Housing Capacity Centers The Lifespan Lens Webinar

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Commemorating Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence's Safe Housing Capacity Center presented The Lifespan Lens: Youth-Centered Approaches to Building Economic Security and Safety in Housing Programs on Tuesday, February 24th. The webinar was facilitated by Corporation for Supportive Housing's Jane Moretta-Miller. Included were panelists DaJonee Hale, Youth Leadership Manager at Point Source Youth, and Milo Edwards, Youth Advisory Council Member at Point Source Youth. The panel highlighted ways to engage youth in program design and how access to economic security, housing, and safety impacts how youths respond to violence. 

The TDVAM webinar is also available in Spanish at La perspectiva vital: Enfoques centrados en los jóvenes para fomentar la seguridad económica en los programas de vivienda
