Case Studies for Building Successful Partnerships
Addressing survivors’ housing needs requires meaningful, sustained partnerships between domestic violence and sexual assault organizations and homelessness and housing providers. Community-based advocates in both systems, private landlords, public housing authorities, state-level coalitions, and national organizations all have a role to play. We can meet shared goals when we work collaboratively to ensure that local programs, systems, institutions, and laws and policies are responsive to the unique challenges and opportunities at the intersection of domestic and sexual violence and housing.
In April 2009, DASH convened and spearheaded the Domestic Violence and Housing Taskforce (Taskforce) to address and alleviate systemic barriers facing victims of domestic violence in housing and shelter. The Taskforce was a partnership with local and federal government agencies and non-profit organizations in Washington, D.C., and it served as a vehicle for ongoing, coordinated, community response with specific objectives and activities to help measure effectiveness and change.
The Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence (KCADV) launched a Rapid Rehousing Program for survivors across the state last year. The program has a rural focus, serving survivors in every county except in the state’s two urban areas (Louisville and Lexington). The program is aimed at “difficult-to-serve” survivors who aren’t able to access traditional HUD-funded housing programs.